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Karmen Rõivassepp Quartet

Nordic contemporary jazz

„The bandleader’s vocals are striking in their purity, her range and her pitching impressive. And she’s harmonically inventive when decorating melodies with intricate, scat-sung phrases [...]“
- Thomas Rees, Downbeat Magazine (2018)

„The seven distinctive tracks on Breathe strike a satisfying balance between taut energised rhythms and quieter more reflective melodies on this highly individual release.“
- James Read, ukvibe (2021)

Karmen Rõivassepp Quartet is a prominent jazz quartet that since their debut in 2018 have continued to grow a solid audience all around Denmark. The band is constantly developing and in these days veering a bit further from their common language of jazz tradition, showcasing the more reflective, moody and melancholic contemporary jazz style. One can expect to hear striking vocal purity, great musical interplay and sophisticated melodies & harmonies when these four jazz musicians enter the stage.

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