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Nikolaj Hess

Nordic jazz

“Nikolaj Hess is one of the most inventive jazz pianists working today”
- Mitch Myers Magnet Magazine, 2019

“Gold dust. Nikolaj Hess’ fingers on the keyboard is an alchemical affair. An album with a wide range of expression, yet spiritually coherent.”
- Christian Munch-Hansen, Politiken

“Danish pianist Nikolaj Hess careened between heart-melting delicacy and almost Chopinesque virtuosity. Hess is clearly equipped to face the most gargantuan technical demands, but it was the incredible fecundity of his imagination that impressed the most”
- Peter Quinn Art Desk, London

Nikolaj Hess is well established as a highly estimated international prizewinning jazz pianist and composer. His piano playing is characterized by a personal delicate golden touch and mix of superb sense of groove and melodic and creative imagination. His inspirations certainly include a deep insight the American and Nordic jazz tradition, but also reflect his musical open-mindedness, where his influences span from electronica and krautrock over classical and folk to world music and roots.

NHs projects include his Danish and New York based trios and quartets, as well as solo piano and larger ensembles. As a prolific composer, besides his original compositions for his own groups, he has also written for modern cross-over orchestras and film music for among others Lars Von Trier.

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