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The Counterfictionals

Dry surf, broken bossa, disillusioned folk, derailed cabaret, postpunk, dusty jazz, indie, shameless melodies (without the least speck of shame).

The resulting album is a fascinating experience worthy of it’s namesake: It can be alluring and inscrutable, heartwarming or simply bizarre, and always one of a kind […]
There's no telling how long a listener can spend down this rabbit hole and seemingly no shortage of further tunnels wherever you turn. 
Geno Thackara, All About Jazz (4,5 stars of 5)

Original music inspired by movies we like. Stories about decisions to change everything, made at worn down hotels late at night. The feeling of wanting to regain control of your life. Death, rebirth, decomposure, blood, sudden realisations and unexpected love. Eruptions of distorted guitars and meticulously worked out arrangements for glockenspiel, viola and theremin. Ethiopian patterns on muted piano, kalimba and jaw harp. Haunting themes on flute and bass clarinet. Samples from cult movies and compositions that will take you to places in your memory you almost forgot.

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